Postgraduate Demonstrator - PH15720 Laboratory Techniques for Experimental Physicists and Engineers

Undergraduate module, Aberystwyth University, 2019

This module introduced undergraduates to laboratory practice in key areas of the physical sciences, which can be used to understand the world around us. Emphasis was placed on accuracy of note-taking. Undergraduates were expected to keep a laboratory diary as they conducted the experiments. In addition to the notes kept in the diary, students were expected to write up two of the experiments as formal reports, including background research into the topics. In addition to this, in the second semester, students were introduced to ways of capturing and presenting data using electronic devices and computer packages.

This description was adapted from the university webpage for this module.

As a postgraduate demonstrator, my primary role was to assist the students with their experiments. This involved helping them with setting up the various experiments, taking measurements, analysing data, and interpreting results. I also helped to mark the weekly lab diary entries from the students as well as translating various teaching materials from English to Welsh for the Welsh-language version of the module.