
I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Space Physics research group at Aberystwyth University working on analysis of energetic electron data from the SIXS-P instrument onboard BepiColombo. My PhD involved obtaining and analysing remote sensing visible-light observations of the Sun’s outer atmosphere - the corona - using a variety of different techniques including solar rotational tomography and total solar eclipses. I am a fluent Welsh speaker and I am passionate about the Welsh language and my PhD is funded by a Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol postgraduate research scholarship. My undergraduate degree was also done at Aberystwyth University and, after entering on the Foundation Year scheme in 2014, I graduated in the summer of 2019 with a first-class integrated Master’s degree in Astrophysics.

I am deeply passionate about science communication and outreach and I have been involved in several outreach projects, written articles, and have done several radio interviews for BBC Radio Cymru. My goal is to become a physics lecturer and so teaching is something I thoroughly enjoy doing. I have been a postgraduate demonstrator for the PH15720 Laboratory Techniques for Experimental Physics, PH05720 Introduction to Laboratory Physics, and PH10020 Dynamics, Waves and Heat modules during my PhD. I am also an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

When I am not working on my research or teaching, I enjoy buying books (with the intention of reading them!), playing video games, endlessly scrolling through Twitter, and watching football.